Regional American Cuisine served
in the heart of Mackinac's historic district

1493 Astor Street, P.O. Box 1489
Mackinac Island, MI 49757
(906) 847-6249 Facebook


You have the option of attaching a resumé when you complete the form.

If you are looking for a fast-paced job in an exciting restaurant environment, consider applying for work at the Yankee Rebel Tavern. We are looking for highly motivated employees who enjoy working with the public and who will share our desire to provide the highest level of professional service to our patrons.


Positions available for 2025 with starting wage:

  • Cooks: starting wage 15.00
  • Dining Room Attendants: starting wage 12.91
  • Housekeepers: starting wage 14.50
  • Kitchen helpers: starting wage 13.50
  • Prep Cooks: starting wage 14.00
  • Short Order Cooks: starting wage 14.91
  • Wait Staff: 3.93 plus tips to equal
  • The hourly waitstaff wage is $3.93 an hour, this equates to the State of Michigan minimum wage of $10.33 per hour that includes tips


Work dates for students will vary depending on school break schedules. All jobs are full time employment with overtime as business requires. Employment dates: April 1 through November 6, 2025


Housing is provided, if necessary, in apartments or houses. All units require sharing a bedroom with a roommate. Each housing unit has a full kitchen, living room with TV, cable and VCR and also coin operated laundry facilities. Rent is based upon the type of housing available.


All applicants are required to complete the online application. You have the option of attaching a resumé when you complete the online application. If you don’t attach it during your online application process, you may also send the resumé to us (again, a resumé is optional) AFTER completing the online form by faxing it to (906) 847-6259 or emailing it to